

Community Vision for Takoma (CVT) is an informal network of Takoma residents and nearby neighbors dedicated to Takoma Park’s progressive legacy and leadership, working to strengthen the transparency, accountability, and responsiveness of local government. We follow City government and politics closely, and advocate on City issues. Those issues have included preserving and expanding our affordable housing, protecting our City’s rent stabilization ordinance, maintaining our diversity, commitment to racial equity, preventing displacement and gentrification, engagement across socioeconomic and racial differences, public land use for the public good, living in harmony with the environment, addressing climate change, and City budget issues. 

We are dedicated to improving the transparency, accountability, and responsiveness of local government. To that end, we have also created questionnaires for candidates in City elections, and made endorsements.  In an era when there is almost no local journalism, we provide an independent lens on City government with frequent communications with our network in order to expand the number of informed residents who feel empowered to participate.


CVT was born a decade ago out of the desire to see a Takoma Junction revitalization that used public land for the public good. We provided a structure for activism when the City’s plans to develop the publicly-owned property at the Junction evolved into a developer-driven plan for an oversized and unsafe office/retail development that would have threatened the existence of our popular food Co-op.  In 2024, after many years of community resistance, the City announced the end of its relationship with the developer. Today, we are grateful to have a thriving Junction that includes not only the Co-op, but independent restaurants and small local businesses that depend on the public land there for events, deliveries, and parking.


Community Vision for Takoma (CVT) is an informal network with no hierarchy. Volunteers are drawn from the waves of hundreds of concerned residents over the years who have signed petitions, written emails, and made public comments at City Council meetings and hearings. Our email list includes about 1,000 people. To join our list, or become more involved in our ongoing work, email us at tjcommunityvision@gmail.com.

We work by consensus. At our center is a varying group of about 20 residents–including journalists, legal experts, renters and homeowners, and people with decades of organizing experience. We meet regularly to discuss what’s happening in Takoma Park and to plan communications and advocacy. We speak at City Council meetings, alert residents to issues before the City, organize Town Halls, build coalitions with other local organizations, and encourage participation in the City’s democratic process.  

CVT does not collect or donate funds to support candidates, and is not a Political Action Committee.

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